How to make iced chilled saffron tea?

Posted by Andy Garcia on


When I want iced tea fast, I make iced chilled tea.

How does ice chilling work? You make hot tea and cool it down in seconds using a ton of ice. It’s ready to drink right away.


Hot-Brewed Saffron Iced Tea 

  1. Bring 2 cups water to a simmer; remove from the heat and add 2 tea bags of Saffron Paradise or any other of our Saffron Teas. Let steep about 4 minutes, until it's the strength you like. Strain loose tea with a fine-mesh sieve or remove the tea bags. Let cool, then transfer to a pitcher, cover and refrigerate.

Cold-Brewed Saffron Iced Tea

  1. Combine 2 cups cold water and 2 tea bags of Saffron Paradise Tea or Saffron Breakfast Tea in a pitcher. Cover and refrigerate 15 to 36 hours, until it's the strength you like. Remove the tea bags.

Add Extra Sweeter or Fruit of Your Choice 

  1. Although adding sugar to our Saffron Paradise Tea is not recommended because it is naturally sweet, however if you like extra sweetness, bring to a simmer over medium heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves, then remove from the heat and let cool. Strain the infused syrup through a fine-mesh sieve (you'll get about 1 cup) and mix it with rest of the iced tea. 
  2. Orange Add 2 strips zest
  3. Blackberries half cup
  4. Cinnamon 1 sticks
  5. Lavender 1 tablespoons dried
  6. Vanilla 1 halved bean
  7. Mint 2 sprigs
  8. Ginger half cup sliced
  9. Lemon 2 strips zest
  10. Nectarine half cup chopped
  11. Cucumber half cups chopped

For easy to follow fast steps, please watch our colleague in Safarama (Ella) here:

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